(Updated February 2012)

Manuscripts must be written in English following the General Manuscript Preparation Guide. The following items must be submitted in an e-mail message to:

  • A cover letter establishing that the manuscript is not currently under consideration elsewhere.
  • An editable copy of the manuscript, complete with inserted figures, figure captions and references.
  • A pdf copy of the manuscript, complete with figures and captions.
  • A separate file of each image according to the directions given in “Figures”.
  • The signed Copyright Release form.

Above items are compulsory. Peer- review is conducted by experts following a double blind system; upon acceptance of a manuscript, a completed and signed Page Charge form will be also necessary.


Text specification

Manuscript length should be 5000-10000 words. Use a word processor compatible with Microsoft Word 2003TM, no special format is required, although 12-point Times, Times New Roman or Symbol (when appropriate) fonts are suggested. Be sure that any graphic representation of special character (e.g., Greek characters or math symbols, among others) can be type-able in the body using the Symbol font or other character rendering.


Capitalized, bold and left-justified.


Use title case, left-justified, bold and italicized.


Italicized and underlined.


Convert all units to International System SI.


Use Microsoft Word 2003TM compatible
MathType or Equation Editor to create complex equations. Very complicated equations must be treated as figures.


Save each figure separately as a high- resolution image (.jpg or .tif), and must have legends no smaller than 20 points, lines thinner than 2 points and should avoid use of complex textures and shading.

High-resolution images are necessary, meaning that each image is compound by at least 1800 X 1800 true dots, that is about 300 dpi in an image of 15 cm X 15 cm. Image enhancing softwares do not increase resolution, they just interpolate between dots. Image quality is specially important when microscopy images, of any kind, are presented.

File size in jpg uses to be about 0.5 Mb, and in tif about 1.3 Mb for images of such quality.
In most cases the figures are reduced to one column, hence the importance of appropriate legend size and line thickness. Color photographs and artwork will be included in the online version of the Journal. All images will be rendered in grey scale for print production.



Provide a brief and informative title, about 60 characters, to assist in the classification and indexing of the paper.


Full name of all the authors followed by their institutional affiliations and postal address.


It should be about 300 words long, presenting the problem, experimental approach, major findings and conclusions. It should be self-explanatory and suitable for reproduction by abstractive services.


List the key words that an interested party would use to locate your paper if searching through a reference guide.


The introduction should state the purpose of the investigation and its relationship to
other work in the field. While extensive reviews of the literature should be avoided, adequate background should be provided to establish the state of the art in the subject area, and how the present work advances the state of the art. The foundational physical principles of the subject area should also appear in this section.

Methods Derivations

The framework of the assumptions must be described and justified in detail. An adequate number of intermediate steps must be provided in any derivation to fully support the mathematical deductions obtained. Details published elsewhere should be summarized and cited.

Numerical model studies

It is necessary to describe the foundational physical relationships used in the model (e.g. Helmholtz), the type of model (e.g. quasi-static) and the type of numerical method used (e.g. FDTD) in sufficient detail to allow duplication of the results. All parameters of the model space geometry (e.g. spacing) and the numerical solution (e.g. convergence criteria) must be specified.
Any post processing calculations used for data display must be described. All physical properties used in the calculations must be clearly stated with references for their source and justification of the choice of values used. Models must be validated experimentally.

Experimental studies

The materials and methods should be described in sufficient detail to enable others to repeat the experiments. All methods of calibration must be described, along with an indication of the overall accuracy and repeatability in the measurements.
Heating experiments must include a description of the heated object in terms of its dimensions and its mass or volume.

Novel procedures should be described in detail, while procedures previously published should be summarized and cited. Whenever hazardous materials or dangerous procedures are utilized, the necessary precautions should be stated.


They should be presented concisely. Their interpretation should be reserved for the discussion, although there are cases where discussion is better understandable if it is presented among the results. No rule is given as long as the given explanation is logicaly ordered and easly understandable.


The purpose of the discussion is to interpret the results and to relate them to existing knowledge in the field. Be clear and concise, avoiding any personal polemics. Information given elsewhere in the manuscript should not be repeated.

References are to be listed by last name of the first author, alphabetically. References must be written as follows: Author’s last name, initials, additional authors (year published). “Title of Paper/Chapter.” Source (underline if source is a book, use italics for journals and proceedings). Publisher (for books only). Volume number (issue), pp.x-xi.

All the references must be available through search and librarian services, therefore papers that are in preparation or have been submitted by the same authors, but not yet accepted must not be cited. In the case of unpublished experiments, they must be described in enough detail in the text in order that no citation is necessary. The same rule applies for private communications, which most be recognized in the acknowledgement section as explained there. It is understood that authors have the permit for using or presenting unpublished work of others or to use material taken directly from a copyrighted publication.


Charts are preferred over tables. Use tables only when the data cannot be presented clearly otherwise. Use the table format feature in a word processor compatible with Miscrosoft Word 2003TM. They must have a brief title, and be numbered consecutively Explanatory material referring to the entire table must be included as a footnote following the last line of the table.


The same data should not be presented in more than one figure or table. Figures used in previous publications may be included if they are adequately cited and permission is obtained. Include the figure number and a description. It should be understandable without reference to the text and should not include new material. Explain all symbols and abbreviations used.


Acknowledgments should include financial support, technical assistance, advice from colleagues, gifts, etc. It is assumed that the persons whose contribution to the work is acknowledged gave their permit to the author prior its submission to JMPEE.


Complete publication data must be given “[Smith and Jones, 1982]”, if there are more than three authors, then the first author is mentioned followed of et al., a list of references are semicolon separated [Smith and Jones, 2010; Doe, 2011]”. Multiple publications in a single year by an author are indicated alphabetically by sequence of reference in the manuscript — (e.g. 1998a).

References must clearly identify the original contributor to the work being cited.

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